A sampling of images from various photo projects featuring the lovely, strange and very patient people that I know.
April in an outtake from the Thumb Cinema series. Silver emulsion on metal, 2009.
Mitzi as the Silver Starling from an unfinished space narrative begun in 2009.
Joe and his giant squid. Hand-colored silver gelatin print, 2009
Lainey in an untitled print from the ‘Pandora’s Box’ series, 1999.
Untitled hand-colored silver gelatin print of George McFarley, a gifted musician and composer. This was shot in early 2000 during preparations for ‘Carnytown’ a photo project for which Georgie composed a beautiful, haunting soundtrack .
Bobby in an untitled hand-colored silver gelatin print from the ‘Pandora’s Box’ series, 1999.
Barbie in an untitled hand-colored silver gelatin print c. 1999.
Carlo in a hand-colored print from the Pandora’s Box series, 1999.
Clem in an outtake from the Seance for No One series. Coffee-toned silver gelatin print, 2011.
Johnny in a shot from Coney Island Photo Booth, 2000.
Amanda and her jukebox on the moon.
We Travel the Spaceways, cyanotype 2011.
Dena from the Coney Island Photo Booth series, 2000.
Bobby enjoying some fried squirrel in a hand-colored silver gelatin print from 1999.
Untitled silver gelatin print of Joli, 2017
Skyler lurking in a cypress swamp, 2017. Hand-colored silver gelatin print.
Audrey from the ‘Beating a Dead Horse’ series, 1999. Hand-colored silver gelatin print.
A sampling of images from various photo projects featuring the lovely, strange and very patient people that I know.
April in an outtake from the Thumb Cinema series. Silver emulsion on metal, 2009.
Mitzi as the Silver Starling from an unfinished space narrative begun in 2009.
Joe and his giant squid. Hand-colored silver gelatin print, 2009
Lainey in an untitled print from the ‘Pandora’s Box’ series, 1999.
Untitled hand-colored silver gelatin print of George McFarley, a gifted musician and composer. This was shot in early 2000 during preparations for ‘Carnytown’ a photo project for which Georgie composed a beautiful, haunting soundtrack .
Bobby in an untitled hand-colored silver gelatin print from the ‘Pandora’s Box’ series, 1999.
Barbie in an untitled hand-colored silver gelatin print c. 1999.
Carlo in a hand-colored print from the Pandora’s Box series, 1999.
Clem in an outtake from the Seance for No One series. Coffee-toned silver gelatin print, 2011.
Johnny in a shot from Coney Island Photo Booth, 2000.
Amanda and her jukebox on the moon.
We Travel the Spaceways, cyanotype 2011.
Dena from the Coney Island Photo Booth series, 2000.
Bobby enjoying some fried squirrel in a hand-colored silver gelatin print from 1999.
Untitled silver gelatin print of Joli, 2017
Skyler lurking in a cypress swamp, 2017. Hand-colored silver gelatin print.
Audrey from the ‘Beating a Dead Horse’ series, 1999. Hand-colored silver gelatin print.