This series was created in 2009 for a Polish festival of pinhole photography, with images captured on a homemade cardboard camera. The title was a reference to Piers Anthony’s 1970’s/80’s fantasy novels set in the enchanted kingdom of Xanth, which was loosely modeled on Florida (where Anthony lives). Xanth is a realm filled with ogres, centaurs and magicians, but it borders the dull human world which is known as ‘Mundania’.
For this series I wanted to depict Florida as it might appear in the mind of someone from a Slavic country in the 1950’s who had little idea what Florida actually looks like. I wanted the pieces going to Poland to seem as if they had been made in a much earlier Florida; possibly lost in an abandoned post office for some time before making their way to their final destination.
This series was created in 2009 for a Polish festival of pinhole photography, with images captured on a homemade cardboard camera. The title was a reference to Piers Anthony’s 1970’s/80’s fantasy novels set in the enchanted kingdom of Xanth, which was loosely modeled on Florida (where Anthony lives). Xanth is a realm filled with ogres, centaurs and magicians, but it borders the dull human world which is known as ‘Mundania’.
For this series I wanted to depict Florida as it might appear in the mind of someone from a Slavic country in the 1950’s who had little idea what Florida actually looks like. I wanted the pieces going to Poland to seem as if they had been made in a much earlier Florida; possibly lost in an abandoned post office for some time before making their way to their final destination.